
Day Eight

Today was mine and Nicole's off day woo-hoo!! We went to Esperanza Intibucá, Honduras about 3 hours from where we stay. We went to a church they had there it was pretty cool because one had to climb these really steep steps to get there and there were tons of people because today they celebrated the Virgin of Lourdes, so they had fireworks and everything. We also met some of the girls parents there, the people there were very indigenous later we learned they were from the Lenca population. After we went to Gracias Lempira, Honduras and visited the Fuerte de San Cristobal an ancient battlefield ground. And also visited a couple of churches there. Had Mexican rollitos which were basically flautas, with some jamaica yummm!! Next time if we have time we definitely want to visit el Parque Nacional de Celaque they say its a really good hike. Oh and I finally learned how to hand wash my clothes outside too, hung them up to dry on a clothesline and everything :)

1 comment:

  1. Yaaay proud of you washing your clothes all on your own lol my Mija is growing up lol take tons of pix yo
